
Showing posts from November 21, 2021

Important Question For Software project management BCA SEM 5 GU

MCQ for section II ⇾ Click here open the file  Unit 2 What is "Estimating by analogy"? Find Euclidean Distance and closest analogy sum Explain 8 core Atern principal. Explain software effort estimation technique Waterfall Model  What is prototype. Explain its type advantage and disadvantage. Spiral Model  Write a short note on incremental delivery. Unit 3 Find Critical Path and Project Duration Sum. Define Activities. Also explain Rules for formulating network model. Methods used for Risk Identification. Categories of Risk. Explain Risk planning in detail  If you want to learn the Critical path sum than follow this link ⇾ Click here

Important Question For Computer Network SEM 5 external exam

Unit - 3 What is Transmission media? Explain Guided media in detail. Describe switching techniques. What is hand off? How does it take place? Describe All Topology in detail. Unit - 4 Short note : (1) Router (2) Gateway Explain LAN, MAN, WAN and Token Ring with diagram Explain OSI Model TCP/IP Mode OR Explain how a message sent by application on one host reaches to the application on another host vie on or more router using TCPIP.

Important Question For BCA SEM - 5 Python

Python Unit 1 and 2 Questions   What is Python? List and explain its features. What is Garbage Collector?  Explain working mechanism of Garbage collector in python. List and Explain Sequence type in python with example.  Write Difference between C, Java and Python. PVM.  What is Lists? List and explain methods to process lists in python with example. Write short note on anonymous function and function decorators.    List and explain different flavors of python. Explain Membership and Identity operators or   List and explain operators in python with example. Define function? List and explain different types of arguments with example.  Define Array? List and explain methods to process array in python with example.  What is Dictionary? List and explain methods to process dictionary in python with example.  What is Tuple? List and explain methods to process tuple in python with example. Unit - 4  Create a virtual environment. Answer Fil...

Important Question For ASP.NET SEM 5 external exam.

Important question for SEM - 5 ASP.NET          Unit - 1 What is IDE? Explain in brief. What is Asp.Net? Explain the advantage of Visual web developer (IDE) for ASP.NET. Short Note of coding model of ASP.NET. Built-in directories of  ASP.NET  Explain common properties of  ASP.NET controls. Explain the controls with properties : panel, text box , panel,  literal Short note  :      1) Global.aspx                           2) Web.config                                     OR Which are the two application configuration files? Explain each of them. Define server / client technology.             Unit - 3  Master page  Validation control : 1)  Range validation Required validation Pass...