Important Question For ASP.NET SEM 5 external exam.

Important question for SEM - 5 ASP.NET

        Unit - 1

  • What is IDE? Explain in brief.
  • What is Asp.Net? Explain the advantage of Visual web developer (IDE) for ASP.NET.
  • Short Note of coding model of ASP.NET.
  • Built-in directories of ASP.NET 
  • Explain common properties of ASP.NET controls.
  • Explain the controls with properties : panel, text box, panel, literal

  • Short note  :    1) Global.aspx
  •                           2) Web.config
  •                                     OR
  • Which are the two application configuration files? Explain each of them.
  • Define server / client technology.

           Unit - 3 

  • Master page 
  • Validation control : 1) 
    • Range validation
    • Required validation
  • Password recovery 
  • Create User Wizard 

Answer will be uploaded soon.

1) Short Note of coding model of ASP.NET.
ANS) ASP.NET coding models are the methodologies used for writing code in a web application.
ASP.NET provides two coding models: 
1. Inline Coding Model  
2. Code Behind Model
Inline coding :-
  • Inline Coding model was introduced earlier to the code-behind model. 
  • In this model, the code required to implement a web page is directly placed in the .aspx file on the application.
  • The major drawback of this coding model is that, you need to write the code to implement various functionalities of a web application and the HTML code in a common file.           
           Code Behind Model :- 

  • To deal with this drawback of Inline Code model, ASP.NET 1.0 introduced the code behind model. 
  • In the Code Behind Model, you have to maintain a separate code file for each web page. It uses concept of Partial classes. 
  • One file store the code to implement the functionalities of a web page, and the other file stores the HTML coding of a web application.
  • Suppose that we have created a web page called “default” then in the Code-Behind Model HTML code will be stored in default.aspx file and C# Code will be stored in default.aspx.cs file.
  • If the code written in vb language instead of C#, then this code will be stored in “default.aspx.vb” file.
2)  Built-in directories of ASP.NET 

Important built in directories are listed below :
  • App_Data
  • App_Code
  • Bin
  • App_Themes
  • App_GlobalResources
  • App_Browsers
  • This folder holds the data stores utilized by the application.
  • It can store files such as .mdf, .mdb, and XML
  • It manages all of your application's data centrally.
  • Not only that, but it is accessible from anywhere in your web application
  • The real advantage of the App_Data folder is that, any file you place there won't be downloadable
  • We can add .mdf files to the App_Data folder directly by selecting Add New Item.
  • From there we can a create table, procedure or function without opening SQL Server.


  • The App_Code Folder stores classes, typed data sets, etc.
  • All the items that are stored in App_Code are automatically accessible throughout the application. 
  • If we store any class files (like .cs or .vb) it compiles them automatically.
  • The Bin folder is used for keeping assemblies inside it
  • We can access those as a reference from anywhere of our web application
  • Use of Bin folder comes into the picture if we use any class library within our web application. 


  • If you want to give your web sites a consistent / uniform look, then you need to design themes for your web application.
  • The App_Themes folder contains all such themes.
  • An App_Theme folder can contain two subfolders; one for CSS files and the other for skin files.

  • The App_GlobalResource folder can be read from any page or code that is anywhere in the web site.
  • Global resources must be stored in the App_GlobalResource folder at the root of the application.
  • We should use the App_GlobalResource folder when we need a single resource for multiple web pages. We can define ASP.NET control properties by manually associating them with resources in global resource files. 


  • The App_Browser folder contains browser information files (.browser files).
  • These files are XML based files which are used to identify the browser and browser capabilities


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