
Showing posts from October 6, 2019

IPLC unit 3 solution with .c extenton file download link

1 Write a program to find sum of N numbers. Ans : #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int n,no,sum=0,i; clrscr(); printf("Enter how many number you want to sum = "); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { printf("Enter No %d = ",i); scanf("%d",&no); sum=sum+no; } printf("Sum = %d",sum);          gotoxy(60,20);     //this is optional part printf("By Aaftab");//this is optional part         getch(); } Click here to downlaod .c file 2 Write a program to find factorial of given number. Ans : #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int i,fact=1,num; clrscr(); printf("Enter a number = "); scanf("%d",&num); for(i=num;i>0;i--) { fact=fact*i; } printf("\n Factorial = %d",fact);          gotoxy(60,20);     //this is optional part printf("By Aaftab");//this is optional ...

CPRG Unit 2 programe with solution

1.Write a program to accept number of seconds and display its corresponding hours, minutes and seconds . 2. Write a C program to find the maximum from given three numbers (Using Nested IF). 3. Write a C program to find that the accepted no is Negative, Positive or Zero. 4. Write a program to check given year is a Leap year or not. 5. Write a C program to find minimum from given 3 numbers (Using Conditional Operator). 6. Write a C program to find the maximum from given three numbers (Without using Nested if, or Logical Operator, Or Conditional operators). 7. Take marks from the user and print grade accordingly( >=75 marks – Distinction, <75 and >=60 marks – First, <60 and >=50 – Second, <50 and >=35 – Pass, <35 – Fail) using if … else if….else statement and also by using logical operators). 8. Take 2 numbers from the user and print the greater number (Number can be equal). 9. Write a program to check whether the blood donor is eligible or not for donatin...

HTML Table Excersice

Table Excersice 1  : Click Here to Download the word file of questions.... For solution Also availible .html file  extention Click here.... Table Excersice 2  : Click Here   to Download the word file of questions.... For solution Also availible .html file  extention  Click here....