
Showing posts from November 17, 2019

Important Question of HTML

Write a note on structure of HTML. Explain CANVAS in detail with example. Write a note on Input type attribute of form? Write a note on Multimedia elements in HTML5. Explain Topology with example. Write a note on LAN, MAN and WAN. Write a note on advantages of Internet. Write a note on Protocols. Explain any two in detail. Explain Ordered and Unordered list with example. Write a note on Hyperlink in detail.  click for internet technology Answer Explain <Frameset> and <frame>with example. Write a note on Image Map. Write a note on DNS. Write a note on markup elements. Explain Video tag in detail with example. Write a note on adding background color and image in HTML. Explain IFrame with example. Explain <img> with all its attributes and example.  State the difference between inline (span) and Block level (div) elements. Write a short note on E-commerce.

HTML and Internet Theory Question and answer

6.Write a note on LAN,MAN and WAN. Ans) LAN: A Lan is a group of computers and network devices connected togethar usually within same building. Lan stand for local area network . The ownership of the LAN network is private means it managed by a person or group of person and private or gov offices or organizations. The design meeans the layout of this network is easiar than other network and this is a big advantage of this network. The speed in this network is higher than other network. Maintenance of this network is also easy and cost effective. LAN covers distance less than mile. This type of network usually used in Hospitals, School, collegs and offices. MAN :  A MAN is a larger netwrok that usually spand servel building on the same city or town. MAN stand for Metropolitan Area Network. MANs are owned by a group of users who jointly own and oparate the network The speed of this network is moderate means highr than WAN but slower than LAN. Maintenance of this ne...

HTML University old question papers

HTML Universty old Question papers :  No answer key availible for imortant question answer click here Images :

ICET Unversity Old Question paper

ICET university old question papers :  No answer key .  Images : 

IPLC objective question answer

IPLC exam objective types question and answer  click to preview 

IPLC Most important questions

Explain Machine, Assembly and high level language with their limitations and features. Type casting. Basic structure of c.  Recursive function. Explain Operators. Explain function printf, scanf, getch, getchar, putchar. Explain switch case statments with all its limitation. call by value and call by refernce. Explain statements : continue go to break strlen() strcmp() Explain Array. types of array. how to intialized array. Differnce between :  Machin langauage and high level language Do..while loop and While loop  break and continue statements Precedence and Associativity For Answer Click here  

IPLC university old question papers

IPLC OLD Question papers.. No answer availible....for Important question answer click here Images :