Important Question of HTML
Write a note on structure of HTML. Explain CANVAS in detail with example. Write a note on Input type attribute of form? Write a note on Multimedia elements in HTML5. Explain Topology with example. Write a note on LAN, MAN and WAN. Write a note on advantages of Internet. Write a note on Protocols. Explain any two in detail. Explain Ordered and Unordered list with example. Write a note on Hyperlink in detail. click for internet technology Answer Explain <Frameset> and <frame>with example. Write a note on Image Map. Write a note on DNS. Write a note on markup elements. Explain Video tag in detail with example. Write a note on adding background color and image in HTML. Explain IFrame with example. Explain <img> with all its attributes and example. State the difference between inline (span) and Block level (div) elements. Write a short note on E-commerce.