IPLC Most important questions

  1. Explain Machine, Assembly and high level language with their limitations and features.
  2. Type casting.
  3. Basic structure of c. 
  4. Recursive function.
  5. Explain Operators.
  6. Explain function printf, scanf, getch, getchar, putchar.
  7. Explain switch case statments with all its limitation.
  8. call by value and call by refernce.
  9. Explain statements :
          1. continue
          2. go to
          3. break
          4. strlen()
          5. strcmp()
  10. Explain Array. types of array. how to intialized array.
  11. Differnce between : 
          1. Machin langauage and high level language
          2. Do..while loop and While loop 
          3. break and continue statements
          4. Precedence and Associativity
For Answer Click here 


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