
Showing posts from February 9, 2020

DHTML Unit 3 programs

Unit 3 Programs 1.Test if jQuery is loaded. ANS) <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Unit 3 - prg 1</title> <script src = "jquery.js" > </script> </head> <body> <script> $(document).ready( function() { $("p").click(function() { alert("This alert box show using Jquery......!"); }); }); </script> <p>Click for alert box</p> </body> </html> 2.Scroll to the top of the page with jQuery. ANS) <html> <head> <title>Unit 3 - prg 2</title> <script src="jquery.js"></script> <script > $(document).ready(function() { $("#top").bind("click",function() { $("html,body").animate({scrollTop:0},"slow"); }); $("#bottom").bind("click",function() { $("html,body").animate({scrollTop:1000},"slow"); }...

Semester 2 Syllabus

Click here to download sem 2 syllabus..........! download link

DHTML Unit 2 programs

UNIT - 2 Programs NOTE: ALL THE PROGRAMS DONE BY SHAKSHI SHAH.........! 1. Write a javascript to print your name and surname on screen. ANS) <html> <head> <title>UNIT 2 - prg 1</title> <script> function check() { var first,last; first = document.getElementById("v1").value; last = document.getElementById("v2").value; document.getElementById("ans").innerHTML= first + " "  +last; } </script> </head> <body> Name : <br> <input type="text"  id="v1"> <br><br> Surname : <br> <input type="text"  id="v2"> <br><br> <input type="button" onclick="check()" value="click to print name"> <br><br> <span id="ans"></span> <span id="ans1"></span> </body> </html> 2. Write a java...