Important Question For BCA SEM - 5 Python

Python Unit 1 and 2 Questions 

  1. What is Python? List and explain its features.
  2. What is Garbage Collector? Explain working mechanism of Garbage collector in python.
  3. List and Explain Sequence type in python with example. 
  4. Write Difference between C, Java and Python.
  5. PVM. 
  6. What is Lists? List and explain methods to process lists in python with example.
  7. Write short note on anonymous function and function decorators.  
  8. List and explain different flavors of python.
  9. Explain Membership and Identity operators
    List and explain operators in python with example.
  10. Define function? List and explain different types of arguments with example. 
  11. Define Array? List and explain methods to process array in python with example. 
  12. What is Dictionary? List and explain methods to process dictionary in python with example. 
  13. What is Tuple? List and explain methods to process tuple in python with example.

Unit - 4 

Create a virtual environment.

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