
C++ Practice Program

Questions Answer PRG -1 Ans #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class smaller { public : int d1,d2; void min(); }; void smaller::min() { cout<<"Enter D1 = "; cin>>smaller::d1; cout<<"Enter D2 = "; cin>>smaller::d2; if(d1>d2) cout<<"D2 is smaller than D1"; else cout<<"D1 is smaller than D2"; } void main() { smaller min1; clrscr(); min1.min(); getch(); } PRG - 2 Answer //Prg -2 odd or even #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class number { public: int d1; void check(); }; void number::check() { cout<<"Enter d1 = "; cin>>d1; if(d1==0) cout<<"D1 is Zero"; else if(d1%2==0) cout<<"D1 = "<<d1<<" is Even number." ; else cout<<"D1 = "<<d1<<" is Odd number."; } void main() { number num1; clrscr(); num1.check(); ge...

Cloud Computing Important Question-Answer for University Exam

UNIT 1 1. What is the innovative characteristic of cloud computing? OR 13. What is the major advantage of cloud computing? OR 4) Define cloud computing and identify its core features. Core Features of Cloud Computing No up-front commitments: Cloud computing does not require up-front commitment from the user. Users can just use infrastructure, platform and software as per requirement. They don’t have to worry what’s happening behind the scene. On-demand access: Cloud computing services can be used according to the user demand. For example, any user data analytics company uses amazon EMR or EC2 cluster for Hadoop data processing. Then user turn on the cluster when he/she need them, and he/she pay the money for the time period he/she have used and when his/her work is done, he/she terminate the cluster. Nice pricing: Cloud computing services are cheap with nice prices in case of some services and infrastructure we use. We can realize this even more when we talk abo...

Important question for Artificial Intelligence university exam

 (1)What is Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence? Explain the four approaches in detail.  ->INTELIGENCE-:   Intelligence has been defined in many ways the capacity for logic, understanding,    self awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, reasoning, planning, creativity,   critical thinking,nd problem solving More generally, it can be described as   the ability to perceive or infer information, and to retain it as knowledge   to be applied towards adaptive behaviours withinan environment or context. ->ARTIFICIAL INTELIGENCE-:   Artificial intelligence is wide ranging branch of computer science concerned    with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require    human intelligence AI is an interdisciplinary science with multiple approaches   AI is an art which is used to make machines which can understand likes humans, works   like humans, predicts like humans and make decisio...

Software Testing Gujarat University Important Questions For Exam

:Unit-1 Introduction 1. What is software testing? List and explain goals of software testing. ANS: Testing is the process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors. The main goal of software testing is to find bugs as early as possible and fix bugs and make sure that the software is bug-free. The goals of software testing may be classified into three major categories, as follows: Immediate Goals Long-term Goals Post-Implementation Goals 1. Immediate Goals :       These objectives are the direct outcomes of testing.      Some of these are covered in detail below: Bug Discovery :  This is the immediate goal of testing to find error at any stage of software development. The more bugs discovered at early stage, The batter will be the success ratio of Software Testing. Bug Prevention :  This is immediate action of bug discovery, that occurs as a result of bug discovery. Everyone in the software development team learns how to code sa...